Here's a link to The Review Review's write-up about the Ploughshares issue that houses my poem, "Titration."
Here are a few snippets:
"I found myself spending more time with the poetry than the prose, rereading and trying to take it all in. All are complex, and they all have something to say, and it is my fault as the reader that I cannot help articulate more the importance of their words." --Timston Johntson
"Megan Peak’s poem, “Titration” on the surface studies the different focus levels of boys and the growth of girls in a science class when fire is present." --Timston Johnston
"These are some of the most thought-out, well-polished pieces to come out in contemporary literature, and to make it in, prepare to put in the hours. Sweat until it appears effortless." --Timston Johnston